Creation of a presentation or portfolio

In the creation of a presentation various software are involved (you can find all the courses on the website), Photoshop, Illustrator and Adobe DC, to create the final PDF that can be compressed encrypted or posted online.

We will also talk about editing a short video with software like Corel Video Studio

While for the creation of an online portfolio we will use the famous WordPress and several other plug-ins

In this section we will also talk about how to buy a credible domain and set up a small presentation site.

What you will learn in L3D ART's course

The course is suitable for all types of users, from beginners to experts.

In this course you will be given a basic explanation of how to create a site and above all choose a credible domain (and not a 40 characters one) in order to be offered to potential customers.

How to create a PDF with Adobe DC that you can attach to your CV.

How to create a short presentation video.

For none of these software there will be a complete course as they are quite complicated and require specific instructors, but I will explain how to present yourself in the best way with your own strength without the help of third parties.

What is required to participate

  • A stable Internet connection
  • A computer with Windows or a Windows emulator on MAC (as all softwares and materials provided are exclusively for Windows systems)
  • A mouse and if possible a generic graphics tablet, preferably Wacom.
  • Having followed all the other courses.

Course content

  • Adobe DC essential controls
  • Search for a suitable domain
  • Install WordPress
  • Essential commands of Corel Video Studio
  • Portfolio creation
  • How to contact some companies